The Youth and Community Centre

Other pages in this section: Maiden Newton Cubs |Maiden Newton Preschool | Maiden Newton Youth Club

Contact Paul Valinski, 01300 320943

It is in Chilfrome Lane near the School. It has undergone extensive renovation and is now the meeting place for the Youth Club, the Parent and Toddler group, the Playgroup and others.

The unprepossessing building, although not the most attractive building in the village is of historical interest being a WWII prefab. It is in serious danger of becoming listed.


Maiden Newton Preschool

Maiden Newton Preschool

Maiden Newton Youth Club

We are a small friendly Youth Club where weekly, there are a selection of art activities, table tennis, poole, football, music, cards and sometimes we have Action Van running activities onsite.


1st Maiden Newton Scout Group

1st Maiden Newton Scout Group - Beavers & Cubs meet 6pm - 7.30pm on Wednesdays in the Youth Centre.