Local Area

Information on the local environment, natural and built.

Nearby Villages

The following villages are within 5 miles of Maiden Newton. Some of them also have websites:


Associations and Organisations

On the following linked pages, are a number of Local Associations and Organisations based in the Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch area.


A history of the churches of Maiden Newton


Places of Interest in and around Maiden Newton, Dorset

Extra places to visit and see whilst you are in Maiden Newton, Dorset.

Natural Environment

Within this section, we have pages on the Local Geology and a list of species recorded in Chilfrome Meadows in 2005.


Maiden Newton's Weather Forecast

Weather forecast for Maiden Newton, Dorset.

Cycle Route to Dorchester

Cycle route from Maiden Newton to Dorchester, Dorset.