Community Policing
Your local officers are:
Dorchester West Safer Neighbourhood Team
Contact the Team
Call us at Dorset Police on: 01202/01305 222 222
or on our team mobile: 07500 816292
Please only use the numbers above for non-emergency calls. If a crime is in progress or life is in danger, please dial 999.
Like the team on Facebook: Dorchester Police
Follow us on Twitter: @dorchesterSNT
Meet the Team
You can meet members of the Dorchester West Safer Neighbourhood Team at their monthly surgery, held on the last Tuesday of every month at the Maiden Newton Coffee Shop between 14.30 - 15.30
There is also another team meeting at Cattistock Street Corner (outside local shop)- 3rd Tuesday of every month.
For upcoming dates, please visit the Dorchester West Safer Neighbourhood Teams webpage found here.