A356 Roadworks UPDATED


15th February 2011

PAGE UPDATED - 11.04.2011

A notice or reminder to local residents and businesses that the A356 will be facing disruption over the coming weeks due to planned roadworks by Dorset County Council.

From the 21st February for 2 weeks, the A356 at Higher Frome Vauchurch will have Temporary traffic signals for the contsruction of new footway and junction improvements.

The A356 will also be affected in South Perrot, where the section of road there will be closed between 9.00am - 4.00pm, Monday - Friday from 28th February - 21st April for similar works. A full 24 hour road closure will be from 18 - 21 April, with the road re-opening at 4.00pm on Thursday 21 April. Diversion routes will be clearly signposted and businesses will be open as usual.

For further information or updates, please visit this page on the Dorset County Council website.

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