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The Parish Council and Official Information about Maiden Newton

Maiden Newton Parish Council owns and administers such things as the play area, the Multi-User Games Area, the allotments and the war memorial. It is in frequent contact with our two local authorities - WDDC for planning applications, refuse collection and other matters; DCC for highways and transport. The Parish Council is paid for by the precept which forms part of the council tax.

(Incidentally, Frome Vauchurch does not have a parish council, relying instead on the Parish Meeting).

The Council meets on the first Thursday in every month at 7:00pm in the Communal Room at Webber's Piece. All members of the public have a right to attend and during the first part of the meeting can raise issues of concern to them.

The Council has seven members, including the Chairman and Vice Chairman, and a clerk.

Clerk to Maiden Newton Parish Council: John Ball. Contact: 01300 320522

Chairman: Mr Alan Goff. Contact: 01300 320878

Vice Chairman: Mr Paul Valinski: 01300 320943


  • Mrs Anne Clements: 07966 535744   
  • Mrs Cherri Dyke. Contact: 01300 320888
  • Mr Dave Marsh: 07868 058409    
  • Mrs Di Padfield. Contact: 01300 320269
  • Mrs Sally Falkingham. Contact: 01300 320969    


Please click here to email Maiden Newton Parish Council

Alacrify Ltd. 01300 320076.