Here are contact details for all levels of government for our area:

Frome Vauchurch: Frome Vauchurch does not have a parish council so parish matters are run by the community as a whole referred to as Frome Vauchurch Parish Meeting. The present Chairman is Mr. Pat Denty of Meadow View, Crewkerne Road, Frome Vauchurch. DT2 0AW.


Maiden Newton: Maiden Newton has a parish council which looks after things such as the Play Area, the Playing Field, the War Memorial, planning applications and highways matters. It has a web site containing details such as minutes of meetings and contact addresses.

Maiden Newton Parish Council meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7:15pm in the Communal Room at Webbers Piece. Prior to the meeting, at 7:00pm, there is a session where matters can be raised by the members of the public.

The Clerk is Mrs. Diane Wright - . 01300 320053


West Dorset District Council: is responsible for a wide range of local services including planning, housing, waste collection, environmental health and leisure services.
West Dorset District Council, Stratton House, 58-60 High West Street, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1UZ.
Their web site is: . 01305 251010

Our local Councillor is Cllr. Nick Patmore, Cromwell Hall, Dorchester Road, Maiden Newton, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 0BE. 01300 320752.


Dorset County Council:  is the main provider of education, social care and health, highways, trading standards and libraries.
Dorset County Council, County Hall, Dorchester, Dorset. DT1 1XJ. 01305 251000
DCC shares a web site with WDDC at:

For strange reasons our community is blessed with two county councillors: Cmdr. Peter Gregson for Frome Vauchurch which is in the Beaminster group and Cllr. J. Peake for Maiden Newton in the Three Valleys group.

Cmdr. Peter Gregson, High Orchards, Corscombe, Dorset, DT2 0NU. 01935 891464.

Cllr. J. Peake, Corscombe Court, Dorchester, Dorset. DT2 0NS. 01935 891241.


Member of Parliament for our area (the constituency of West Dorset) is The Right Honorable Oliver Letwin MP.

Chapel House, Dorchester Rd, Maiden Newton, Dorset. DT2 0BG, 01300 321188.


Members of the European Parliament for the South West Region: there are seven MEPs for our area - follow this link for their details.